Getting new technology up and running is critical, but it’s not enough to ensure system optimization and value realization. Most technology implementation failures are caused by insufficient mitigation of human-side risks, not because of technological integrity.
Here’s how using AIM can prevent stalled or failed projects.
The potential ROI for Lean/Six Sigma and quality efforts is staggering. The logic and rationale are self-evident. Yet the deployment challenge is difficult and complex. The challenge is to build a culture that truly transforms the organizational mindset.
Here’s how to achieve the desired results by using AIM.
“Same bed, different dreams.” Creeping changes, uncertainty, and on-going resistance are debilitating and drain short and long-term value from a merger. Getting the deal right is only the beginning; integration goes far beyond systems and policies.
Here’s what it takes to get the people-side of M&A right with AIM.
Innovation, collaboration and other similar strategic imperatives often require a change in culture. By their very nature, cultural changes bring their own implementation complexity. How do you overcome a risk-averse culture, or a silo mentality that no longer fits?
Here’s how to implement cultural changes with AIM.
Healthcare is a whirlwind of clinical and operational change where old patient care models must be cast aside. In this complex environment where resource constraints are ever-present, plans must include rigor, discipline, and structure for the human-side of projects.
Here’s how to build your change capacity with AIM.
Enterprise-wide changes require radical change to technology, business processes, and people. The paradox: you will get the most resistance from your own mid to upper-level leaders—the very people you need to actively lead the change!
Here’s how you can achieve optimized results by using AIM.
AIM is a practical, high-impact change management framework that ensures business-critical projects are implemented to achieve maximum benefit in the shortest amount of time.
It's a system, with operationalized principles, tactics, strategies, measurement tools, and learning programs, all based on over 30 years of field research on best implementation practices.
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Transformational change is often misunderstood. Many organizations pour resources into superficial solutions, hoping for a quick impact. But in...
Confronting Change Fatigue in 2024: Breaking the Cycle of Organizational Stress and Building Credibility for Real Change
Change fatigue is one of...