Business Transformation

Using Change Management in Business Transformation

Radical Change Requires A Different Change Approach

Transformation is radical change. Logic says you can’t get radical change by implementing like you have before. Most importantly, Transformation requires radically different Sponsorship from your leaders, and radically different Reinforcements. 30-50% of Transformation success depends on what your Sponsors demonstrate publically and privately in their own behaviour.

Here’s what we know. Transformation is enterprise change that impacts traditional power structures. It’s highly disruptive, and you can bet you will face resistance. Perhaps shockingly, it will probably be greatest in your own management team!

Don’t think you can get Transformation just by a Communication Plan. Communication is just one piece of the Transformation success puzzle.

We’ve supported dozens of Business Transformations in industries like Pharma, Healthcare, Finance, Oil and Gas—you name it. After 3 decades of Transformational Change experience, here’s a plan you can count on working for you:

  • Use AIM strategies and tactics so you have a cohesive, singular implementation framework and a full implementation plan
  • Measure progress and mitigate risks on the human-side with AIM measurement diagnostics
  • Prepare leaders and your management team to be good Sponsors with our Sponsor training. We can conduct it, or we can teach you to conduct it for yourself
  • Skill up your Change Agents through AIM Change Management Training and Accreditation
  • Invest in AIM Change Management Consulting to guide your team through the rough waters ahead

Your Transformation is a golden opportunity to build your change capacity for this change, and changes sure to come. Don’t squander it.

We Give You the Know-How to Get Change Done. Fast.

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IMA’s Change Management Training Programs focus on building your capacity to apply the AIM change management methodology to technology projects. Programs and Workshops are offered to build readiness for audiences from Senior Executives to the Front Lines.



IMA’s Change Management Consultants can work side-by-side with your team on your Technology projects. We can augment your team, or coach you in completing key change management deliverables while you build your internal capacity to apply AIM on future projects.

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