Licensing AIM


Purchasing a License to the AIM Methodology Gives You Complete Access to the Whole Package.

We don’t need to tell you this–the change management methodology universe is confusing, to say the least. Build or Buy? And if you decide to buy, what methodology is the right one for you?

We’ve spent 30 years building the most practical, robust, and flexible change management methodology package available. We’ve literally invested years putting together a complete, integrated system. All focused on one over-arching business objective: to help you build your capacity to implement strategic changes faster, at a higher level of quality, to full benefit realization.

Choose the AIM License that Best Fits Your Organization.

We offer All Access 3 Year with fees scaled to your employee size. With AIM license you can:

With this enterprise approach to implementation, AIM becomes the way work gets done–a unified, standard, best practice framework that helps break down silo’s. One way to implement all your changes.

Let’s be honest. It would take you years to replicate what we offer you. Do you really have that kind of time, and those resources?

Contact us to get details on all the benefits and discounts.

We Give You the Know-How to Get Change Done. Fast.

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