Operational Excellence

Change Management and Operational Excellence

Get Your Solutions Implemented Faster

Why doesn’t the data just speak for itself? Unfortunately, it doesn’t. As powerful as Operational Excellence methods are, they are weak when it comes to implementation. One Master Black Belt called Implementation the missing I in DMAIC. A great solution poorly implemented won’t produce sustained adoption.

You know this–each time you introduce a new process, you’ll face cultural barriers:

  • How do we get the management team to fully commit to the new process?
  • How will we get people motivated and ready?
  • How will we manage the inevitable resistance, including from leaders who may have their own political agendas?

The fact is… there is no improvement unless people change their behaviour and use the new process as intended on a sustained basis!

AIM is an invaluable framework that fits hand in glove with continuous improvement and quality approaches. It’s a repeatable process for the people-side of Operational Excellence.

We train you on strategies, tactics, tools and measurement diagnostics that you integrate with your approach. Practitioners like you have learned how to solve thorny problems like Sponsorship, Resistance, and Readiness. They are true believers based on their results. Get trained and join them.

We Give You the Know-How to Get Change Done. Fast.

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